This program is designed to encourage and reward our dedicated riders in the non-competitive aspect of horse riding while accumulating hours in the saddle.
Participants must be Chilliwack Riding Club members in good standing and will regularly check in with the program coordinator (monthly, but preferably weekly) to update their progress.
The annual fee for this program, which helps to fund it's awards and prizes, is $15 and is payable (by eTransfer to at the time of Bandy Leg registration. Awards will be presented at the AGM and Awards Banquet at the end of the riding season!
Since participation in this program has riders using public trails, it is expected that riders follow the generally accepted rules of trail use in any given region. Riders can be removed from the program, without refund, for gross negligence and/or inappropriate conduct.
First year: hours will be calculated from January 1st to six weeks before the AGM/Awards
Subsequent years: hours will be calculate from day after cut-off in year "A" to cut-off date in year "B", which will be six weeks before the AGM/Awards
© Copyright Chilliwack Riding Club