- Est. 1935 -
PHOTO: Senior 2021 champion Megan Mckay, Peewee 2021 champion Hayden Thompson, Junior 2021 champion Emerson Van Leeuwen
This is a program meant to encourage the non-competitive aspect of horse riding while accumulating hours in the saddle. The program is open to any member of the Chilliwack Riding Club in good standing. Head over to the High Mileage Club page for all the details.
Join our club! A Chilliwack Riding Club Membership has its perks - $10 open ride and discounted entry fees in our gymkhanas and horse shows. We also host trail rides and clinicians of various disciplines throughout the year.
Complete a membership form and eTransfer your payment (chilliwackridingclub@gmail.com), or contact us by email with any questions you may have.